Kate Van Houten is an artist based in Paris, though she is originally from the US. She initially created abstract paintings with stitching and landscape paintings, and has worked on a wide range of styles and techniques including drawings and printings. After a period when she focused on abstract paintings with powerful strokes of blue and yellow color, she broke new ground with stone sculptures in the 1990s. Fascinated by the form of natural materials, she makes us recognize its history as well as the graceful sensuality through her works. Her deep interest in nature and its materiality is reflected through various methods of her diverse artistic style. Her aim is to feel in touch with the resonance of nature through emotion, which unifies her works to create an entire universe of its own. The stillness and movement that belongs in both nature and human beings; when the two is combined, there will be a deeper understanding of Van Houten’s principle towards creative life.
---------------------ARTIST INFO
Kate Van Houten

Born in New Jersey, USA
Study at Brera Academy (Milano, Italy)
Start working in Paris Join the Atelier 17 printmaking workshop (Paris, France)
"Other Horizons" American University (Paris)
LADS Gallery (Osaka, Japan)
JARFO (Kyoto, Japan)
Friedrich Müller Gallery (Frankfurt)
Gallery Yamaki Fine Art , Hyogo, Japan