Opening Hours (See more)
Tue-Sat: 11:00-18:00
Closed on Sun, Mon.
The above opening hours can be changed depending on the change in situation.
Please check our website in advance in visiting our gallery.
Our gallery places top priority on the health and safety of our guests and staff, and is implementing a range of measures against COVID-19 infection so that our guest can visit the gallery with safety to the most extent.
Staff are required to:
-measure their temperature every day.
-wear face masks at all times while at work, and while coming to and leaving the office.
-wash fingers with alcohol, wash their hands and gargle.
-We regularly ventilate the room by opening the door and windows.
Our Request to You:
For the safety of all our guests, we kindly requests our guests to
–wear face masks in the gallery.
-wash fingers with alcohol.
-cooperate in temperature measurement at the entrance.
-notify the staff when you are not feeling well.
-We will have entrance regulation at any time when it appears to be difficult to keep social distancing inside the gallery.
We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation.